Why is Shield Defense Firearm Training Different?
If you’ve searched for concealed carry classes and found our site, you have seen that you have several choices for your firearm training and getting your CCW permit. We know that, and want Shield Defense to stand out as a premier firearm training resource. Some firearm training sites may be a bit cheaper, but some simply play videos or do the least training required for you to get your permit. There’s more to it than that.
I’d like to tell you why Shield Defense Firearm Training is different than other training groups. Shield Defense is locally owned and operated. Tom and Paul are not just trainers; they are enthusiasts for concealed carry, firearms safety, and the protection of you and your loved ones.
I have recently spoke with people who already have their CCW permits, but don’t feel totally comfortable carrying concealed on a regular basis. When I inquired as to why, the main reason was lack of training. One person told me that his CCW class consisted of an instructor putting in a video that lasted about an hour, did minimal class instruction, and did all this for $300.
Another person with whom I spoke told me that they got their CCW permit using their Hunters’ Safety Certificate. They didn’t know the basics of carrying concealed, use of force, or the legal implications of CCW. He was interested to find out that Shield Defense does more than just basic CCW classes. In fact, one recent student was a Hunters’ Safety Course instructor who admitted that a Hunters’ Safety class alone is not enough to learn about carrying concealed on a regular basis.
Yet another person took a different CCW class based upon price alone, and was very disappointed. When he sat in on our class with his wife, who was getting her permit, he was surprised at how much more we taught, how we used real world scenarios, situations, and video clips. He was surprised we allowed students to actually safely handle, load and unload firearms using simulated ammunition, and how thorough we were in emphasizing safety and personal protection.
At Shield Defense Firearm Training, we understand the importance of not just obtaining your CCW permit for self defense, but having the knowledge and confidence to carry concealed on a regular basis. We also stress the importance of continuing your training after you get your CCW permit. We provide advanced training courses as well as one on one instruction. Our CCW Resource page is updated often, and provides valuable information for concealed carry news, training, and legal issues.
Check out our course offerings today. Stay trained. Stay prepared.
Go to our customer review page and see why many customers recommend us for their firearm training.